For many of us, 2018 has had it's ups and downs.
It's been a year of rapid shifts and growth opportunities. We've become more aware of our inner truths. We've noticed how life can feel magical when we prioritize the things that excite us. There's no doubt that we've all had some successes and positive shifts during the last 12 months, whether in creativity, health, relationships, or life purpose. It's also true that 2018 has been a year of shadows being exposed both individually and collectively. We've had to look more closely at ourselves and our ask ourselves if we are living in the way that best serves the highest good for both ourselves and those we love. Every place where we haven't been in integrity and in alignment with our highest expression has come up for us to reflect on it and decide if we are going to move forward. This process can feel triggering at times. We are being made more and more uncomfortable until we choose to transcend the old programming and ways of being as we truly realize the potential we came here to express. How to alchemize 2018 to create the fertile soil for 2019 Alchemy is taking one thing and transforming it into another, usually of higher quality or vibration. It is a chemical term as well as a spiritual one. New Years is a great time to transmute everything that's happened to you - good and bad - into the fertile soil for you to plan the seeds of health, happiness, and harmony. We do this through the art of guided reflection. As Margaret Wheatley said, “Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” And isn't this the truth? How many times have we found ourselves in repetitive patterns? If you know my work, you've heard me say before that awareness is the first step to any shift in consciousness. Reflecting on the last 12 months at New Years is something I've been doing for several years, and it has always been transformational. I love taking the time to look within and make sense of everything that I've been through the year before.I want to use my human experiences to fuel my spiritual purpose. Reflection is one of the key tools that has enabled me to do this this kind of emotional alchemy. Observing allows us to neutralize, equalize, and stabilize past energies as we re-orient ourselves to our true goals and purpose. Doing this in the form of journaling is potent. Intentional journaling helps you gain perspective, understand and manage your emotions, make important connections and insights, and improve your overall mental health. The act of writing out our thoughts in a stream of consciousness way allows us to tap into the subconscious and observe ourselves with greater awareness. When we observe we are able to neutralize, equalize, and stabilize our energy. This process takes us out of victim mode (in which we can feel like life is happening TO us), and gives us more understanding (we see how life is happening FOR us), freedom and power over our circumstances (expanded awareness leads to expanded choices = more power to create courageously). It helps you get clear on your feelings and intentions, understand your inner most desires and motivations, and integrate important life lessons so you can release the past and move forward with clarity and confidence. Having a regular journaling practice, even if it's just once a year at New Years, can help you gain the perspective and energy to make the choices in life that will keep you moving forward on your life's path with wisdom, confidence and grace. The Journal Process for Alchemy So here's where this blog post swerves away from what I had planned for it... As I was finishing writing this, I opened an email from Sena Shellenberger (an awesome woman, teacher and leader who I recommend you follow on Instagram @sena__maria). In the email, She shared the link to Sushanna Conway's "Unravel Your Year" process, which Sena has been doing every year, and which Sushanna offers for free through her website. I was intrigued, obviously, as I have been brainstorming and creating this blog post and journaling process for you for days. I went to Sushanna's website, downloaded her extensive process, and was blown away as I read through it! I had spent a couple days on the questions I was putting together for you guys, but I have to admit that what Sushanna created is far more in depth and explorative. So I'm scrapping the journaling prompts I had written (for now, at least), and just sending you over to Sushanna's website to get the goods. I really loved her process and I want to share it with you, too. I want you to have the best resources available, and sometimes those are not ones I've created. I'm completely fine with that! We each can't do it all. But we can each do our part, together. I would never let my ego get in the way of you having the resources that will best support you. Get the journaling questions here: Here's a Tip: I recommend you answer the questions in a stream of consciousness way. Don't take too much time and don't censor yourself. The idea is to let the answers come from a deeper part of you, the part that speaks your inner truth and is not swayed by other voices. Don't forget the magic within you, and remember to dream big and follow your highest excitement. I also want to let you know that I'm hosting a FREE webinar on 12/30 for Soul-Aligned Goal Setting, and I'll be giving away a Passion Planner to help you organize and energize your goals in 2019, so make sure to register for your chance to win! Click here to register for this free webinar :) Love, Katya
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