The good news is, no one can take your power unless you give it to them.
The problem is that we are often unconsciously giving our power away, and this leads us to feel like we are existing in a victim state rather than living in alignment with our highest potential to experience a vibrant, soul-aligned life. How do we give away our power? Some of the ways are by allowing other people’s opinions to silence our voices, keeping ourselves small in order to avoid judgement or rejection, entangling our energy trying to change other people’s beliefs, wasting our energy on things that don’t matter, and getting stuck in routines that are dull and lifeless. There are two steps to activating your personal power:
The process of healing is not about adding things on, but rather releasing the blocks and leaks to our innate power. Every one of us has a higher self within us, and stepping into our power happens when we release distractions and reconnect with our source. If you are skeptical about this higher self part of you, then it is definitely time for your to call your power back to you. 2. Connect to a renewable power source YOU are a renewable power source, but sometimes we get so depleted that we need a little extra help. Often we look for power in the wrong places - social statues, bank accounts, job titles. These are superficial bids for power that do have their place in the world we live, but true power comes from connecting to our spiritual nature. Our spiritual power is infinite, and once we connect with that we can live a much more fulfilling and vibrant life. For me the easiest way to do this is to connect with Nature, which is a renewable power source. Think about it - Nature literally creates Life out of the simplest building blocks of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. You as a human being contain all of these building blocks and can create incredible things when you know how to nourish and harness them. Nature has a spirit that animates it, with which it creates miracles. An embryo doesn’t need to figure out how to grow into a fetus, just like a seedling doesn’t need to figure out how to grow into a plant. In the same way, once you connect with and activate this life force, you won’t need to figure out your life - miracles will simply come to you because you have become a magnet for spiritual power. When you can recognize, connect, and collaborate with this spiritual force that exists in all natural things, you will awaken your own spiritual power. So you may be asking, “Ok, well HOW exactly do I do that?” One way is to take part in an earth-based ceremony, like the one I’m offering in San Diego next weekend. Ceremony opens up a portal to anchor in spiritual energy that helps us to remember, the magnitude of the power and grace available to us, not just mentally but also physically in our DNA, If you have found it difficult to commit to yourself in your daily routine, then it might be time to take a leap and show up for yourself on a deeper level by coming to Guatemala with me for a 7 day shamanic yoga healing retreat. Surrounded by nature spirits in the mystical Lake Atitlan, we will be working with the earth, our hearts, and our energy fields to magnetize our power so we can clear out what does not serve our highest good, open our hearts for deeper connection, clarify our souls’ purpose, and welcome miracles into our lives. If you are in need of a personal transformation right now, this retreat is for you! Details are at For now I’ll leave you with this quote from Terence McKenna: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.” How are you ready to commit to yourself and claim your personal power? Blessings, Katya
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